Sprint toward success.

Elevate the magic of your school's mission with marketing sprints by EdTec & Friday.
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Opportunity in
every lane.

EdTec and Friday combine 20+ years of charter school expertise with impact-driven creativity to support a wide range of branding and communication needs.

Student Enrollment

Attract potential students and their families by clearly communicating how your unique approach aligns with the values of your diverse community.

School Launch

Your charter application has been approved and it’s time to bring your vision to life in a way that resonates with your community.

Family Engagement

Inspire current families to actively participate in your community and become ambassadors for your school.

Staff Recruitment & Retention

Reach a diverse candidate pool and effectively target candidates who align with your organization's values.

Community Partnerships & Advocacy

Build alliances with local businesses, politicians, funders, and extracurricular partners that are designed to enrich the student experience while proactively cultivating support for your school.

Brand Refresh

Your current branding no longer reflects how your school or network has grown and there is little consistency in how it is used across clubs, teams, and/or schools.

SPRINT options

Choose Your Path Forward

EdTec + Friday's branding and communications services are offered as three distinct six-week sprints. Each sprint is accompanied by implementation plans that are appropriate for any budget and crafted to maximize the existing strengths of your current staff.


You’re hoping to stand out, but your messaging and visuals don’t yet match the magic of what you do.

What's included:
Brand Messaging
Website Structure Recommendations
Logo/Font/Color Recommendations

You're confident in your approach and what makes you unique. Now you just need help communicating it.

What's included:
Communications Strategy
Communications Implementation Plan

Your brand and communications are solid. Now you're ready to motivate your audiences to take specific actions (enroll, apply, donate, etc.).

What's included:
Campaign Strategy
Campaign Creative Assets
Campaign Implementation Plan
How do sprints work?

Week 1-3:
Orientation and Pre-work
Our team will work together with school leadership to schedule your workshop and provide pre-work including surveys and document sharing. We’ll also analyze your web and social metrics to get a current snapshot of engagement.

Week 4:
Virtual Workshop
Friday + EdTec will facilitate a half-day workshop to define the opportunity at hand and explore different ways of meeting it.‍

Week 5-6:
Final Deliverables
Depending on your chosen track, we will help craft brand messaging, make visual identity recommendations, or create communication/ campaign strategies and implementation plans.


Experience accelerated results with lasting impact.

Increased Applications

A charter school in Indiana experienced a 230% increase in applications, 35% of which were referred by their website and social media.

Greater Diversity

A charter school in California launched messaging that clarified their core commitment to DEI, resulting in a more diverse student body and a larger teacher candidate pool.

A Confident Approach

"In a moment of transition and what could have been an identity crisis, Friday gave us a new foundation of who we are and what we stand for, and in a voice that truly reflects our community and our people." – Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter Schools

Data-Driven Sustainability

“Partnering with EdTec on our digital marketing analytics has been extremely helpful and eye-opening. EdTec has been very supportive in working with us as we revamp our websites, develop stronger communication plans with stakeholders, and use valuable data to enhance our social media campaigns. This support will help our organization grow and sustain for years to come!” – Charter Leader, Vista Charter Public Schools

Get SystemFlow

Fast-track your school's outreach with Sprints starting at $16k.

Use the form to indicate your interests. Need a mix of two or more sprints, or something fully customized? Select Custom Engagement and we’ll be in touch.


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